What is FINDxer?

FINDxer.com makes it easy for you to find professionals including doctors, lawyers, service pros and more, all in one place. We started with our home city San Diego, CA and will expand to other cities as we grow. FINDxer is free for consumers to use. Just browse our listings and contact the professionals listed yourself. No forms to fill out, no registration needed. Simple.

How is FINDxer different?

Although there are other websites that list professionals separately including a website for doctors, another website for lawyers, another website for service pros, and so on…FINDxer lists all these professionals and more in one website. FINDxer operates on a first come and first served basis and you maintain your listing position as long as you maintain an uninterrupted subscription. Let’s look at an example. Let’s say that you are a personal injury lawyer in San Diego and add your listing to FINDxer today with a paid subscription, and another San Diego personal injury lawyer adds himself/herself to FINDxer tomorrow, that listing will be below your listing. As FINDxer grows in popularity and more and more personal injury lawyers add themselves to FINDxer, your listing position will become very important. So the moral of the story is one, add yourself to FINDxer now and two, keep a paid uninterrupted subscription. To be fair to all, if your subscription is interrupted for any reason, you would be added to the bottom of the listings just like a new listing when/if you re-start your subscription. For this reason, annual subscriptions are recommended so you can be assured that your position is locked for at least one year (you also save $40). Questions? Contact us.

How do I add myself to FINDxer?

If you are a professional including a doctor, lawyer, or a service pro, you can add yourself to FINDxer for only $20/month or $200/year. Your listing position is locked as long as you continue your subscription (monthly or annual) uninterrupted. To add yourself to FINDxer, please send us the name of the professional/company/firm/practice, a phone number, and a website address to add to FINDxer via this page. We will then send you a PayPal secure link to make your payment. Additionally, only one listing/specialty per practice/company per category is accepted for listing on FINDxer. For example, if a law firm specializes in both criminal law and family law and the firm has many lawyers, only one lawyer/listing can be added under criminal law and one under family law on FINDxer. The firm cannot have more than one lawyer/listing for the same category, in this example criminal law or family law. Questions? Contact us.